Why Testing?

We live in a real world, a world which is more dependent on machines, machines are not having any brain of their own, but they do have limited knowledge,
That knowledge is being feed as a feature of an application.

Life is too fast and no body wants to lag behind, there is cut throat competition among the companies, one who will not adapt the latest technology will be out of the race.
And one who provide best solution will remain in race,

But what is best solution?

Best solution doesn’t mean providing some fancy software which don’t perform most of things but just get catchy looks

Best solution is one which will not only provides all the latest features (along with existing) but also should be simple for end user to use it,

So, to provide these best solutions applications needs to be tested thoroughly under normal business conditions.

Software can be life critical or financial industry critical,
If not tested it might cause loss of human lives or loss of critical data,

Testing is intuitive as well systematic, but its more systematic n less intuitive.
Testing cannot show the absence of defects, it can only show that software errors are present(Pressman).


  1. Thanks for providing such a detailed article on why testing is so important. Gr8 Job!!!


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